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Targeted Career Development for You

You do not have to be unemployed to participate in our job and career development. We
also help you develop your career – even when you are in a job but want to move on.

In fact, the challenges are not significantly different when you want to develop your career
than when you want to find a job. It’s the same skills – professional and personal, as well as
socially. It is the same methods for preparing a good CV, the same guidelines for writing a
good cover letter and the same preparation to contact a future employer.

We work with you in a holistic perspective (in a whole) and it ensures that you will enjoy your
next career/job.

You can benefit from one of our Job Packages as part of your career development – and of
course we make sure that your Job Package matches your situation.

Many of our customers in career development processes also use our services within selfdevelopment to achieve their goals. Therefore, try to take a look at what we can offer you.

You are also welcome to contact us to arrange a meeting when you are ready to start your
career change